Age Groups:

Lil' Dippers (children walking age to 2 years):

This group focuses on playing with others, sharing, following directions from a coach, building attention span, motor skills and coordination, and most importantly having fun.

**This is a parent child team.

Star Lights (3 to 4 year olds):

This group begins learning the basics of the sports, setting and achieving small goals, working as a team, further development of motor skills and coordination and making friends.

** Parents are welcome to help the coach with their child’s team.

Shooting Stars (5 - 6 year olds):

 At this age children are still learning to work together as a team, beginning individual skills building, further development of motor skills and coordination skills, setting personal and team goals, and starting to compete in a safe enviornment. We focus on making friends and having fun more than wins or losses.

** Parents are welcome to help the coach with drills, and with games.